Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Catching up

My little buddy Treyven! He turns the big three tomorrow. I can't believe it has been that long. Treyven is my rainbow baby and he has my heart. I love him so much and he has really changed my heart. He is the sweetest thing, I can tell that he has a very large Spirit inside his little body. My heart swells and I get tears in my eyes when I think about Treyven. I just know in my heart and have known since before he was born that he has a very special mission and purpose for his life and that Heavenly Father has assigned him some pretty amazing things to do in his life. My heart always is on edge because I wonder what that will bring and pray that heartache is not included. I haven't felt this way about my other children, for some reason I just know that there is something big awaiting him. I will need to remember these feelings so when times are tuff that I can look at the big picture to help get thru the little things. Treyven is not potty trained and has no interest in becoming potty trained. He is behind on his speech. But he is so sweet. He is my little buddy and I live coming home from work and getting my hugs and kisses. He likes to pick out his own clothes and still likes to we at his cowboy boots. Lately he has taken a big interest in Toy Story and especially Buzz Lightyear. He has a Lego buzz, woody and jessy and he picks up the buzz and says buzz Lightyear to the rescue, so cute! He throws little tantrums if he doesn't get his way right away. He likes chicken nuggets, bananas, yogurt, cheese, plain bread, fruit snacks, cookies, water and pasta. But his tastes are always changing. 
Mom bought him a water gun from Walmart.
Stylish Treyven wearing moms sunglasses.
Bowling in Ogden
After his hair cut.
Playing with sticks at the lake with brother.
Hiking in Snow Canyon
We just libe our Treyven.