Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 150- Day 155

Day 150
Today was a busy day. We got up and played with our Christmas toys. Then we all went to Grandma Beasley's house and mom went to lunch with her mom and sisters and then we had family pictures at the church and the park. Then we went back to Grandma Beasley's house and opened more presents and played with cousins.
Day 151
Today the little man got to spend a lot of time playing with his cousin Keith. You boys had a good time playing with his train table and your dino poppity pop. The Waddells came to our house for dinner tonight!
Day 152
Today mom and dad both had to work so Grandma Bushar came and watched you and your sisters. What a lucky little guy to have grandma spend all day with you.
Day 153
You love to sit and play at your little piano. Today you were playing it with your mouth, but every time mom snapped a picture your face would be away from the piano.
Day 154
Today the little guy is 5 month old. Where did all the time go? Today we spent the day with the Waddell family. We went to the park at the library and the big boys played in the water. YOu were in your stroller for most of the time, it was a bit chilly. After lunch we went up to Pioneer park and played. Mom caught this really cute picture of you after you were done eating. You sure are a happy little guy. At five months you can sit all by yourself. You have been eating baby cereal for over a month now. You still have not been babysat by any one other than family. You are a tall little guy. You like dad to sing "I am a child of God" as he rocks you to sleep. You still do not regularly sleep thru the night. At five months you are wearing 3-6 month and 6-9 month clothes. Because you are tall most of your pants are 6-9 month size. You are a very happy baby. You really only fuss when you are hungry and tired. You are a joy to have in our home.
Day 155
It is the last day of the year 2011. You did not stay up to ring in the new year. You went to bed about 8pm. Below is a picture of you and mom before you were put to bed.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Day 149

The little guys first Christmas!

This morning we got up and went to Sacrament meeting with Grandma and Grandpa Bushar. After church we opened presents.
Here is Treyven with his stocking. He got lots of candy, a clementine cutie and Boon screw on spoon tops (for all those little food packets that are so popular now.)
Treyven was more interested in the wrapping paper than his gifts. He would grab a hold of the paper and put it right in his mouth.
What a spoiled little boy. From mom and dad he got a poppity pop dino, and a framed picture of the Savior with a little boy, a shining star teddy bear, and a Boon spoon (dad was more excited about this than any of his own presents). Christy gave him a yellow precious moments whale and a little book. Grandma Cosgrove gave him a baby's first Christmas ornament and some really cute green and white striped pajamas with a frog on the bum. Aunt Alisha and family gave him a cute, soft outfit and Aunt Sarah and family gave him a very cute little chick toy that cheeps.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Day 148

Today is Christmas Eve. We are spending tonight and most of tomorrow in Enterprise with Grandma and Grandpa Bushar.
This was Treyven's first Christmas present. Grandma and Grandpa Bushar gave him this really soft teddy bear. When he first saw it he smiled big and then proceeded to eat the bears nose.
Dad built a snowman just for Treyven! The snowman is bigger than the little guy.
The snow on the ground was not suitable for snowmen building so dad got a bucket and mixed in some water to make the snow able to build a snowman.
This was Treyven's second Christmas present. Grandma and Grandpa Bushar gave him a new pair of pajamas. They are a little big, but thats just means that he will be able to wear them longer.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 147

Today Grandma and Grandpa Bushar came to visit us after they got done working at the Temple. They took Christy home with them so she could go to cousin Jacks baptism. Tonight Grandma Beasley watched me when mom and dad went to the Temple with Aunt Amber and Uncle Danni.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 146

Mom worked all day today and dad stayed home with the little guy and played with him all day. Mom forgot to take a picture today.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 145

Today dad stayed home and played with me all day. As you can see he tuckered me right out. Treyven fell asleep in his car seat with his two favorite toys. Treyven slept thru the night last night. It was so nice for mom and dad :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 144

This morning Treyven and mom went and visited Grandma Humes. While we were there mom sat Treyven on grandmas counter and he sat there all by himself for five whole minutes. What a big boy Treyven is getting to be. We have been practicing his sitting and now he can do it all by himself. Today we spent more time with the Waddells. I really like this picture of Kenneth holding Treyven.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 143

Last night Treyven slept thru the night. Mom and dad got so much sleep. This morning we went to Grandma Beasley"s house so Treyven could meet the Waddell"s. Mom was so excited for Treyven and Keith to get to know each other. Mom wants them to be best buds just like her and Aunt Amber! This evening Scott & Selma and their kids came over for dinner, then we went and walked around the Temple with Waddell"s & grandma and grandpa.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 142

Look at the Little Froggy!
This cute little guy just got done with his bath. Now he's ready for lotion, pj's and bed. Goodnight little frog.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Day 141

Today was a busy day and Treyven spent a lot of time in his car seat, poor guy! Today was a day where Treyven wanted attention 100% of the time, and he let everyone know when he was being ignored. Mom and dad have been helping Treyven to sit up. He gets propped up in his boppy and once in a while mom can get him to sit up for about 10 seconds on the floor. When he is in the boppy you can see him straining to sit up when he starts to slouch over. Tonight while mom and dad were making dinner Treyven played in his bouncer with Christy right there adding to his entertainment. We all hope the little guy sleeps well tonight.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 140

The little guy was so tired in this picture, and he was fighting so hard to stay awake.

Today mom and Treyven spent the day together. We got ready in the morning and left to run errands. We left the house around 10:30 and didn't get home till after 4. But we got so much done. Treyven finally got put down for a nap after that. He really fought to stay awake. This evening we went and walked around the Temple grounds, we stopped and listened to the story at the Nativity and spent some time inside the Visitor's Center. Treyven didn't get to see a whole lot as it was fairly cold so he was bundled up and his car seat canopy was closed.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 139

No picture for today. Today dad stayed home with Treyven while mom worked. It was a hard day for both dad and the little guy. Treyven wanted to be held at all times, and when put down he would start fussing. Dad wasn't able to get a lot accomplished. Mom worked till a little after five, then she rushed home and fed Treyven and then left again. Mom came back home around 7:30 and by then it was time for Treyven to go to bed. Both the Bushar men were worn out and un-happy at the end of the day.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 138

Today was the first day that Treyven spent the majority of the day away from mom and dad. Mom and dad both had to work so Treyven went to Aunt Alisha's house. Even though Alisha wasn't feeling that great she watched Treyven. Mom went and saw him on her lunch break and Treyven ignored her. I think he was a little mad at being left away from mom and dad. Alisha and Kayley had a great time with Treyven today.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 137

Bath Day

Today mom and Treyven spent most of the day at home. We took Christy to school and then met with her teacher to see how she was doing. Then we went to grandma's house so mom could use the treadmill. Then we came home. Treyven loves the bath. He is almost to big to bath in the little blue tub. As soon as he can sit on his own he can take baths in the big tub. But for now he splashes about in the blue one.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 136

This morning mom propped Treyven up in the corner of the couch and then she went into the kitchen and started doing the dishes. Mom and dad were visiting in the kitchen when Treyven started to cry. He had rolled off the couch :( Mom was so sad that she cried. Poor little Treyven. He didn't get hurt, it scared him more than anything. Tonight mom and Treyven went with Aunt Alisha and her kids to the rec center in Washington to see Santa. While Michael and Kayley were waiting in line Alisha was holding Treyven and eating an orange. Treyven was staring at her orange and smacking his lips. Aunt Alisha took a section of her orange and put it in Treyven's mouth. He started to gnaw on it and then he got a funny look on his face and stopped gnawing. He just held perfectly still with his mouth open not touching the orange. Even after trying it though he would just stare at Alisha's orange and act like he wanted it.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 135

Today Treyven tried mashed potatoes. We went over to Grandma and Grandpa Beasley's house this evening and they had mashed potatoes for dinner. Treyven has started staring at people when he sees them eating. He will start doing a chewing motion and licking his lips. It is so funny. He was doing this so dad let him have a taste of potato. The little guy didn't seem to react much either way. Today we all went to church with extended family for the baby blessing of Lucinda's granddaughter. After the blessing we all went to Lucinda's house for lunch. Treyven was passed around and held by so many different people and he was such a good little guy the whole time.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Day 134

Today Grandma Beasley watched Treyven and Christy so mom and dad could go on a date. Thanks Grandma! Today mom and dad were going thru Treyven's clothes and weeding out the ones that no longer fit. As mom was folding them and putting them all in a box she came across the outfit in the picture. This was the outfit Treyven came home from the hospital in. We put it next to him to see how big he has gotten since that time. We have a "big" little boy :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 133

This afternoon Treyven had his four month appointment. He weighs 16 pounds 2 ounces, he is 25.9 inches long and his head is 17 inches around. His weight is 68%, his length is 80% and his head is 83%. While we were waiting for the doctor to come in mom was helping Treyven practice sitting up. He can sit up for about 10 seconds if placed right on his own. Treyven still doesn't have a set schedule for anything. He gets fed whenever he is hungry and he still gets up often at night to eat. He usually gets cereal for breakfast and then again in the early afternoon.Treyven just keeps growing bigger and bigger. He is generally a happy baby. He has the cutest giggle. Our home is blessed to have his sweet Spirit among us.
This evening we went to the Ward Christmas party and Treyven got to sit on Santa's lap.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 132

This morning Treyven had oatmeal cereal fot the first time. He has really gotten the hang of eating cereal. Sometimes he gets more on his face and everywhere else than in his tummy. So far he hasn't had any negative effects from the rice or the oatmeal cereal.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 131

Dad stayed home with Treyven today while mom worked. This evening we went to Golden Corral to meet up with Chad Gardner and his family. Dad and Chad went to school together. We waited for them at Golden Corral. While we were waiting dad sat Treyven on his lap and let him pretend to drive.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 130

Tonight Treyven "helped" dad put the lights on our Christmas tree. He was the boss and grunted when dad would correctly place the lights.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 129

This afternoon mom and the little guy went to Aunt Deann's house to make bread. The little guy was in his car seat in the stroller the majority of the time. He was a very good boy. Mom often finds Treyven like the picture above after naps or during the night. Treyven pulls his blankets up over his face. It scares mom a little, she worries about him suffocating.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day 128

Today was a very busy day. This morning we woke up and had breakfast with all the Bushars. It seemed a little crazy at the cabin with everyone trying to get ready for church. We went to Sacrament meeting at the Pine Valley chapel. After church there was a big luncheon and then the younger grandkids hide and found presents from their cousins. Treyven got a ring stack toy from his cousin Cole. And Treyven got Cole some construction trucks. After that there was visiting until everyone got ready to go. Before we headed home we went outside to play in the snow. Treyven doesn't have a snow suit but he was dressed as warm as he could get. We didn't stay out to long. Then this evening we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Beasley's and visited with Timothy, Michelle, Lloyd and his wife, Shanelle, and MelLisa and her husband. Then we came home and the little guy went to bed.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 127

Today we went to Pine Valley for the Bushar family Christmas party weekend. Mom and dad dressed Treyven in his Christmas onesie that says "mom and ad say I'm santa's favorite". Treyven is the cutest little guy ever.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 126

Here is Treyven ready for bed. He even has his little lion toy! He is such a handsome little guy.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 125

Today daddy brought Treyven to visit mommy at work. Treyven has been sucking in his bottom lip a lot lately it's kinda cute, he also puts his lips together and makes an "mmmm" sound. He does this quite often. He also tries to fit his whole fist in his mouth.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 124

Today was a very sad day! Mom went back to work. Mom started working back at the doctors office. Mom cried as she left this morning You are four months old today and this is the first day that mom has been away from you for more than a short time. It was a very long day for mom and she couldn't wait to get home to you. Dad stayed home with you and you got some quality dad and baby time!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 122

Look at how you almost disappear in the highchair. Today for the first time you sat in the highchair to eat your cereal. Dad has been holding you on his lap to feed you up to this point. It is normally dad that feeds you the cereal. We started with just a small serving in the morning and have added an afternoon serving as well. You don't mind the cereal and you have not had any negative reactions to it. Today we weighed you at grandma's house and you weighed 17.4 pounds. Mom is not sure how accurate grandma's scale is.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 121

What a stud!
Today was our first Sunday in our new ward. You looked handsome as usual. Our new ward is full of elderly couples, a big change from our family friendly Linda Vista ward. One big plus is the awesome mother's lounge they have in the building. It is a separate room with it's own air controls, the usual speakers so you can listen to Sacrament meeting, two rocking chairs, a couple of primary chairs, a sink, and a built in changing table complete with a soft blanket. Tonight we had dinner at Aunt Deann's house.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 120

Right before mom snapped this picture you were sitting propped up against the pillows and then you toppled over. You are such a cute baby! Today we went to Enterprise again and we went to Jingle Bobs for lunch again.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 119

Look at that just loves your cute little face with your chubby cheeks! You are such a happy baby! Mom took this picture while you were talking to her. Sometimes mom and you have some pretty good conversations. Mom loves being able to stay at home with you and watch you change each and every day. We have been truly blessed that as a family we can afford for mom to stay home, that will soon be changing :(

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 118

Happy Thanksgiving
Today is your first Thanksgiving. Before we went to Grandma and Grandpa Beasley's house for the Thanksgiving feast you got your own little feast. For the first time you hade rice cereal. It took a few spoonfuls for you to get the hang of eating from a spoon and to get used to the taste. You did great and ate the whole serving that dad had prepared!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 117

Moving day. Today the movers came and unpacked the truck. This is what your room looked like at the end of the day. Mom sure has a lot of work to do to make your room habitable for you.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 116

Today Christy went back to school. This evening Christy laid on the floor and read to you. She sure loves you.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 115

No picture today either. Mom got busy doing other things and by the time she remembered that she needed to take a picture you were already asleep.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Day 114

No picture today. We went to church with Grandma and Grandpa Beasley. We are staying at their house until we can move into our rental place. YOu have done pretty well considering all we have been through the past few days and how every normal routine has been turned on its head.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 113

Shhh, the little guy is sleeping. We had a busy day today. This morning the whole family went to the Instacare cause we are all sick. Then we went to Enterprise and visited Grandma and Grandpa Bushar. We had lunch at Jingle Bob's cafe in Enterprise. While we were at Grandma and grandpa's house you sucked on a dried apple slice. You enjoyed it for a little while.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 112

Here is the little guy after a long day in the car. Treyven and mom drove from Anaheim to Grandma and Grandpa Beasley's house in St. George. Treyven was such a good little traveller.
Dad and Christy spent the first half of the day at Universal Studios and then they drove to St. George as well. We officially no longer live in California :(

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 111

Today was Treyven's first time at Disneyland. Aunt Wendy got us into the park for free. We had to stop and take the mandatory family picture in front of the castle.
Treyven's favorite ride was Winnie the Pooh. Treyven rode with dad in the back seat. He couldn't get enough of all the lights and colors.
Treyven got his first pair of Mickey Ears. Mom and dad bought the smallest hat we could find and it was still way to big for his head. Mom and dad had his name and the date embroidered on the back of the hat.
Treyven did not like the Haunted Mansion. Treyven was asleep when we first entered the mansion and during the elevator ride, at the end of the elevator ride when everyone screams Treyven woke up and started crying. He was such a trooper at Disneyland We hope that he grows up to love Disneyland as much as his momma.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 110

Can you find the baby in all this mess? We spent the night at the World Mark in Oceanside and we unloaded what we needed for the night onto the cart. Treyven caught a free ride up to the room on the luggage cart.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 109

Today the loaders came and loaded the whole house into a truck. Treyven was limited to fewer than normal toys to entertain him throughout the day. This evening Elder and Sister Pett took the family out to dinner. Tonight we spent the night at the WorldMark in San Diego. Treyven was given a bath in the sink. He wasn't to sure about that.