Saturday, January 19, 2013


Treyven had a great Christmas!
 The little lego train in this picture had been sitting in my closet for quite a while and every time Treyven saw it he wanted to play with it. So he was super excited when he walked in the front room Christmas morning and saw it under the tree.
 Can you tell that he was having a good time!!!
 Treyven with his Christmas loot. He got a new Sunday outfit, lots of legos, two ties, new pjs, a car rug and a lion puppet.
We thought Treyven would be more into Christmas this year and be excited to rip open presents, but he just wanted to play with his legos.
 We decided to see how Treyven would sleep if he had a toddler bed. David took the front of the crib off and the mattress is as low as it will go. We put Treyven to bed and waited to see how he did.
A half hour later I went to check on him and this is what I found. He was asleep on the floor halfway under the crib. SO I put him back in the crib. Half an hour later I went in to check on him again and he was all the way under the crib so David put the front of the crib back on. Treyven is a very active sleeper. When David gets to big for the co-sleeper whatever bed we decide to put Treyven in we will need to buy a side attachment so he stays in the bed.

We have had the cold going around our house. One evening Treyven was walking around sticking his fingers down his throat and choking himself. At first I couldn't figure out why he was doing that and kept telling him "no".  The light bulb finally turned on and I figured out that his throat must be hurting but he doesn't understand that so he thinks something is stuck in his throat and he was trying to choke it out. It was so sad but so cute at the same time. I am always amazed at how the little guy reacts to new things.

Treyven is such a smart boy. He loves to vacuum and even help with laundry. The other day he was helping to start his and David's laundry and I asked him to go put their two laundry baskets away. He took them one at a time and placed them in the closet where we keep them and as he was leaving his room he shut the door behind him.

Treyven has a bad reaction if he gets to much dairy in his system. I forget this so this week we had a bad time with throw up and diarrhea. He is such a picky eater that when we find something he eats that's what we give him and this week it seemed like dairy was all he wanted. :( Poor guy. 

Treyven is at the wrong age to take out to eat. He gets so impatient and he tries to do everything himself, so we end up with a big mess. Sorry whoever had to clean up after us tonight. 

Treyven is such a happy and loving boy, we are blessed to have him in our family!!!