Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Family pictures

Yesterday we had family pictures, these are just a few that mom was able to get with her camera. When we get the cd back mom will post more on the family blog.


Look who got a haircut!

Treyvens hair was so VERY long! Dad took the boys to a new children's salon to get their hair cut. He looks so grown up!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween, Disneyland and preschool updates

We spent today at Disneyland celebrating  brothers second birthday. We had such a great fun filled day.
Treyven loves to watch Mickey Mouse on TV but when we saw him in person he wanted nothing to do with him.
I love his face in this picture. I think he was annoyed that I kept asking him to look at me for pictures.
In the car on the way to Anaheim

Treyven was a ninja turtle for Halloween. His costume is a pair of pajamas :)
Having fun at staheli farms
An action shot from stahlie farms.
Treyven loves to help cook eggs!
Treyven has had to evaluations at the county preschool. If accepted he will be able to go to preschool for free and he will get help with his speech. He is getting better since dad has been at home working with him but preschool would help even more. Our insurance denied any further speech therapy appointments. Treyven is a handful. He loves to destroy things. But he is also so loving and sweet. He's my little buddy. Lately he has taken to yelling "shut up", a bad word that he learned from mom.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Catching up

My little buddy Treyven! He turns the big three tomorrow. I can't believe it has been that long. Treyven is my rainbow baby and he has my heart. I love him so much and he has really changed my heart. He is the sweetest thing, I can tell that he has a very large Spirit inside his little body. My heart swells and I get tears in my eyes when I think about Treyven. I just know in my heart and have known since before he was born that he has a very special mission and purpose for his life and that Heavenly Father has assigned him some pretty amazing things to do in his life. My heart always is on edge because I wonder what that will bring and pray that heartache is not included. I haven't felt this way about my other children, for some reason I just know that there is something big awaiting him. I will need to remember these feelings so when times are tuff that I can look at the big picture to help get thru the little things. Treyven is not potty trained and has no interest in becoming potty trained. He is behind on his speech. But he is so sweet. He is my little buddy and I live coming home from work and getting my hugs and kisses. He likes to pick out his own clothes and still likes to we at his cowboy boots. Lately he has taken a big interest in Toy Story and especially Buzz Lightyear. He has a Lego buzz, woody and jessy and he picks up the buzz and says buzz Lightyear to the rescue, so cute! He throws little tantrums if he doesn't get his way right away. He likes chicken nuggets, bananas, yogurt, cheese, plain bread, fruit snacks, cookies, water and pasta. But his tastes are always changing. 
Mom bought him a water gun from Walmart.
Stylish Treyven wearing moms sunglasses.
Bowling in Ogden
After his hair cut.
Playing with sticks at the lake with brother.
Hiking in Snow Canyon
We just libe our Treyven.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Treyven using the camera

Moms phone is locked so that the only thing that the boys can do on the phone is take pictures. Most of the time there is 50 or so pictures of black but once in a while you get an actual color picture.

Thumb sucking

It's so funny I have become the mom I said I would never be, I pinned a sock to his shirt so he couldn't suck his thumb. He was so devastated that he couldn't suck his thumb. And after one day it hasn't happened again.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


We don't have church till 1 on Sundays so some mornings we find interesting ways to entertain ourselves and pass time. Treyven found one of our old blind wands and was using it as a sword. He was told he couldn't hit anyone with it so he just chased his brother around. He kept saying "stay back", it was so cute. Then tonight he was rough housing with mom and brother and he asked "did I hurt you"? He's a funny little guy!

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Treyven has been talking so much more each day and he is talking in complete sentences. The other day he was signing "let it go, let it go". He says: stop bothering me, are you ok, I love you and lots of other things that I need to write down when he says them. He loves to wear his shoes or boots too. He will put on his shoes and boots without socks And walk around. He tries to wear them to bed. He is such a big boy and most of the time so very good.

Friday, March 7, 2014


We think Treyven's favorite color is green. Lately we have started letting Treyven pick what he wears and when picking a shirt he always seems to pick a green one. This morning there was only one green shirt hanging in the closet and it was Treyvens new St. Patrick day shirt. He picked that one and then Dad said "no not that one" so Treyven went and got one of his dirty green shirts that he wanted to wear. So Treyven wore his St. Patricks day shirt today :) It just interesting to see the kids individual personalities come out. We also think that Treyven will be right handed. He does the majority of things with his right hand. That makes mom sad she wanted one left handed kid and so far that doesn't seem to be the case. Treyven used to say "you're welcome" so very clear no he says "you're wel mm mmmm" its funny. We have no idea why all of the sudden he changed the way he says it. He's such a smart little boy!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Potty training

We are working hard to potty train Treyven. We need him to be potty trained before David starts his job at the post office. He went potty twice in the toilet today. He is such a big boy. He is using more sentences. I am looking into pre schools for Treyven to start later this year. I need to check into sports as well. I can't wait for him to be potty trained so I no longer have to buy diapers for two boys. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Long weekend in salt lake.

We are in Salt Lake this weekend just hanging out. Today we went to the discovery children's museum at the gateway. It was a perfect place for Treyven. He could just run all over the place and do whatever he wanted. Treyven loves to play! We all had a great time.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Learning to cook.

Today after church when mom was in her room having a time out and dad was outside talking to Christy, Treyven decided he was hungry and because no one was around to help him he would fix himself something to eat. Mom heard the smoke detector go off and assumed that dad was cooking something. The smoke detector is kinda sensitive. After it continually going off mom decided to go tell at dad for not taking care of it. This is want she found in the kitchen. One of the dining room tables was pulled up to the counter with baby David standing on the chair, the kitchen was full of smoke, the microwave was going and Treyven was sitting by the sink while it was running full blast. Mom turned of the water opened the microwave took both boys from their perches and set them on the floor then she turned to see what Treyven was cooking. Somehow he had lodged three pieces if his egg salad sandwich from lunch beneath the spinning piece and they were burnt black as night. Mom opened windows, turned on some fans and cleaned up the microwave. Smart little bugger was hungry and he realized that his parents were otherwise occupied so he was taking dinner for him and his brother into his own hands! I gotta keep a better eye on that boy!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014


This morning Treyven got up early and came into our room and climbed into to bed by mom. He snuggled up and made sure that her arms were around him. Then he just snuggled for a while. That was so nice for mom because Treyven is one busy guy. When he was done snuggling he got up and headed out of our room. Mom said I love you Treyven when he was in the doorway and Treyven turned around and said "I love you, bye". Melts moms heart. He headed to the kitchen after that. He opened the fridge and took out the sour cream. When he was rummaging in his cupboard for a bowl and a spoon mom put the sour cream away and locked the fridge, mad Treyven. He loves sour cream. Then a little later he came back into our room and when mom didn't get out of bed like he wanted he went and shut our door and walked out. As he was closing the door mom said "I love you" to which Treyven responded with a pound of his fist on the door and "no, don't say I love you".