Sunday, December 23, 2012

Big Brother

 On Thursday the 13 we had a treat making day at Aunt Alisha's house. Treyven got a little bored and decided to entertain himself with a bowl. What a funny little fellow.
Treyven sure does love his little brother. He is always wanting to give him hugs and always goes over and says "hi".

Lately Treyven has been learning to use silverware. He is getting better at using a fork and drinking out of a regular cup. But boy he sure is messy!

We have been trying to teach Treyven about prayer. We have him kneel or sit with us for evening family prayers and at the table we ask him to fold his arms. At first to him folding his arms was tucking his hands beneath his chin and having his elbows out like chicken wings. Now he is getting the hang of folding his arms. The other morning David was in doing his homework and Treyven went into the study with his arms folded. David said a prayer with him and then a minute later heard the rustle of the cereal bag. Treyven had wanted to pray over his food. He is so stinkin smart! On the 17th mom went back to work. We have a babysitter named Hettie that comes to the house to watch the boys. Mom sure misses her boys when she is at work.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

 Sitting on Santa's lap. You went up there more to get to the toys and the bag of candy they were handing out.
 Haha, mom is busy and I can get in the fridge where the treats are hidden. What a great lunch!
Not sure when this picture was taken :)

On Wednesday the 4th we went to Grandma and Grandpa's ward Christmas party. You had a lot of treats to eat and you had fun running around and seeing Santa. You ate part of a roll and then for the rest of the evening all you would eat is the treats. You are so picky. We came home with some treats in a Styrofoam container and while mom was feeding the baby you got into them and started eating them and making a big chocolaty mess. On Thursday the 6th I had you weighed. You are 23.5 pounds and you are 36.8 inches tall. You are mommas big boy. On the 7th we went to our ward party. You didn't have a whole lot of fun there. It was very crowded and you were fussy. We spent the weekend at the cabin.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

16 months

 Treyven loves to play in boxes. This is the Christmas tree box. While dad was putting up the tree, Treyven played in the box.
 We just love this shirt. It has a skunk which is grandmas favorite animal on it and it says "It wasn't me"
 Treyven can get into one of our fridges. I am afraid that he will get stuck in there one day.
 Pancakes. I think next to bread his favorite food is pancakes.
 More playing in the box. This time he has his blanket and his book.
What a little stinker our Treyven is. He is always on the go. mom cannot look away for a second before he is into something he shouldn't be. Treyven has mastered climbing on the dinner chairs and the table. He can get on the couch and the beds. He tries to climb into the co-sleeper with David. He still tries to steal David's blankets and he grabs David's clothes and tries to pull him around (we don't let that happen). Treyven can say so many words and he understands so much. When asked to go get a diaper he will. He understands when we tell him to get into his high chair to eat. He understands when you ask him if he wants to take a bath. He just is so very smart. He knows who Jesus is and at church he points at the pictures and says Jesus. He can say: David, banana, bread, diaper, brother. yes, thanks. thank you, oh no, book and so many other things. He loves to read. He is just a happy boy and we love him so very much. He likes to take naps and he loves to be outside with dad. Sometimes when we are leaving he will "help" carry the carseat to the car.