Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 63 Two Months

Treyven is 2 months old!
I gave the little guy a mowhawk after his bath this morning. His hair doesn't stand straight up, it goes up and then curls over.
So peaceful!
Wow, two months has gone by so fast. Treyven is getting so big. He smiles a lot, he tries so hard to talk and laugh, he can roll from his tummy to his back, he usually gets up three times a night to eat, his eyes seem to be getting a little lighter blue color, he still has all his hair from birth, he likes to go on car rides, he likes it when dad sings "I am a child of God", he likes to sit in his swing and also in his play saucer. He gets upset when he can't see all the things around him, when we go on walks he wants to be able to sit up in the stroller and look out. Treyven is a really good baby, we love having him in our home and thank Heavenly Father daily for him!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 62

Don't you just love this caterpillar mat? Treyven kinda likes it, or maybe it's just that mom likes it!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 61

Treyven was given this pair of sac pajamas shortly after he was born, but tonight was the first night he wore them. Mom and dad both like how much easier it makes changing a diaper in the middle of the night. I think he was ready to eat in this picture that's why he is crying.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 60

Tonight there was a ward ice cream social. When we got there mom fed Treyven a bottle and then he went right to sleep, and slept the rest of the time we were there.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Day 59

Aunt Alisha gave Treyven this little duck that you can Velcro onto his wrists or feet. There is a frog as well. Treyven hasn't quite figured them out yet but they don't bother him.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 58

Ready for our Sunday evening family walk. Of course Treyven likes to sit up so he can see out.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 57

Treyven likes to sit in his play saucer.

Today as usual on Saturdays we ran errands. In the morning dad went to a food distribution and won an Applebees gift card. So for dinner guess where we went? It was Treyven's first time. Then we went and watched "The Help" on base. It was easier to go to movies when Treyven was a newborn. Now he is awake for most of the movie and we have to keep him quiet. He did good though.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Day 56

I have been trying for days to get a picture of Treyven smiling. I finally got it. Sorry they are horrible pictures, it's hard to take a picture while getting him to smile. The camera was way to close to his face. Treyven is such a happy baby. He loves to smile!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 55

Isn't he just the cutest thing ever? Treyven sure gets lots of love around here. He has been trying so hard lately to laugh, he also tries to imitate us when we click our tongue at him.
What a peaceful little guy!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Day 54

Today mom and Treyven spent the day in seats and t-shirts. Mom had a bad night last night and wasn't feeling so hot today so we just hung out.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 53

It was a little chilly on our walk this morning so Treyven wore this cute little sweater that Great Grandma Beasley gave him. Treyven has started blowing bubbles. It's so cute, but then of course it runs down his shirt and he ends up with a wet ring around the neck.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 52

Haha, look at our new stair rail decoration! We went on a walk as a family this evening and dad had Treyven in this baby pack. Treyven loved it. He loves to be able to look out and see everything around him. When we got home dad hung him on the stair post and I had to get a picture.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 51

Two handsome men, ready for church.
Mom is a lucky gal :)
My two guys matched at church today. Aunt Amber made a lot more church clothes for the little guy. More colorful ties, a new vest and a new outfit. We sure are lucky to have her!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Day 50

There is no picture for today. We had a really bad night. Treyven woke up around four to eat and then wouldn't go back to sleep. He was done eating, he didn't want his binkie, he had a clean diaper, he didn't want to be snuggled, he just wanted to fuss. After two hours I called David and put him on speaker phone and he sang to Treyven. Treyven always calms down when David sings to him. He slept for an hour and then was up again. Originally we were going to stay in St. George till after church on Sunday, but after a second sleepless night I decided that we needed to go home. Spending the nights at moms house I realized that I take advantage of David being there to help. So we packed up and headed home. Once again Treyven did great on the long trip. We got home late and i was exhausted so I didn't even bother with taking a picture.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 49

I had so many cute pictures from today, but this was my favorite.

Today mom and the little guy went to moms work so she could work out her schedule with her boss. Everyone loved the little guy. Then we did some shopping with Christy and Aunt Crystal. We spent the evening at Aunt Alisha's house. Kayley was funny about the little guy. At first she didn't want to hold him. I finally got a picture of her half way holding him and also holding her movie in her hand. She only wanted a picture of her with her movie. Then later Kayley was pushing around the stroller and was asked if the little guy could ride in it. At first she said no, then she consented but only long enough for a picture to be taken. As soon as the picture was taken she insisted that he be removed from her stroller. At one point I was burping Treyven and she came over and asked if she could help. She patted him on the back for a few seconds and then informed me that she knew how to burp. Another little funny thing: I asked her if she thought Treyven was handsome and she said no my boyfriend is handsome! What a cutie.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 48

Treyven spent a lot of time in the little swing while we were at Grandma Beasley's house.
We had a busy day today. We went to a couple of appointments, went to visit poppa at work, went and got lunch, and visited with lots of new people.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 47

Today the little guy started his first long car trip. After Christy got out of school we left for St. George. The little guy did so well on the long trip. He was only dressed in a onesie as his car seat causes him to become quite warm. What a good little traveler. Today the little guy weighed 11 pounds 4 ounces :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 46

The little guy does so many cute things with his hands. Sometimes when he is eating he will take one hand and reach up and stroke his hair and with the other hand he pats his chest. Occasionally when he is sucking his thumb he has all the other fingers on that hand spread out across his face.
This morning the little guy rolled over from his tummy to his back. He has been trying for a while and finally succeeded. No one saw it happen as mom was the only one home and she was in the bathroom, but it happened all the same.
Today mom had a dentist appointment and you were so good the whole time we were there. Even when you were awake you were just quietly looking around.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 45

Mom and the little guy taking a rest. This is a rare occurrence around here. We spend most of the nights awake. The little guy has his days and nights messed up.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 43

We decided that since the little guy spits up so much that he can start wearing bibs. This bib is so cute and bright. The little guy loves to sit up and look out at everything.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 42

Today Christy was home all day with mom and the little guy. She had no school because the power was out all day yesterday and most of the night. This evening when dad came home we went to the book store and to the mall. The picture for today is dad and the little guy. Two handsome Bushar men :)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 41

Mom snapped a picture mid smile. You were giving mom lots of smiles this morning.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 40

This picture was taken right before bed. Mom got busy during the day and forgot to get a picture.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Day 39

Today was Christy's first day of fifth grade. Here she is holding you before we walked her to school. Now it's just mom and you during the day. You have started giving mom real smiles.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Day 38

Mom bought this shirt a long time ago, before she was even pregnant. Today the little guy wore this shirt. Unfortunately he didn't get dressed until both his grandpas were gone. Today all the family that came for the blessing went home. This evening is a quiet one at home.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 37

Blessing Day
Today at church dad gave you a name and a blessing. The people who came to support you were: Grandpa & Grandma Bushar, Grandpa & Grandma Beasley, Great Grandma Humes, Aunt Deann, Claudia, Tito, Aunt Rachelle, Aunt Connie, Uncle Terry, Aunt Wendy, Uncle Josh, Christy, Shadow, mom & dad, and EA1 Wong from dads work. The Spirit was so strong in Sacrament meeting. In the blessing it was said that you would be an example to your sisters and you would serve a mission. Mom cried during the blessing. Mom and dad both got up and bore their testimonies during the meeting. Mom cried so who knows how much of her testimony was understood. After church there was a luncheon at the park behind our house. Everyone came over and had sandwiches, salad, desserts, corn on the cob, deviled eggs and juice. The rest of the day was spent visiting and playing games. Once again the little guy was passed around. There were a couple family pictures taken with you in your little white tuxedo that Aunt Deann made you and the girls wearing the skirts that Aunt Amber made them, but none of the family pictures looked good so today is a picture with mom dad and the little guy.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Day 36

Today was a very busy day filled with meeting lots of new people. Late last night Grandma & Grandpa Bushar, Rachelle & Shadow came to our house. Early this morning Poppa & Grandma Beasley & Great Grandma Humes came to our house. They all came for your blessing. you went to the Mormon Battalion Museum today. While the family was on the tour mom and you went and sat in a rocking chair on the front porch and enjoyed the beautiful weather. This evening Grandpa Bushar took everyone to Olive Garden for dinner. The picture above was taken at Olive Garden. Late this evening Aunt Deann, Claudia and Tito came to our house. You were passed around all day long today. So many new people to meet and get love from.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 35

Today the little guy went swimming (actually just to the pool) for the first time. Dad stuck his feet in and he was not to happy. So while dad and Christy swam mom sat on the side with her feet in the water and held the little guy. Hopefully next summer you will love the water cause it gets really hot in St. George and we will need to spend a lot of time at the pool to cool off. Plus we have a cute little swim suit for next year :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 34

Tonight we went to Hometown Buffet for dinner. Dad fed Treyven some vanilla ice c ream, this is the first time he actually didn't seem to mind it. Doesn't he look adorable in his little red and blue outfit?