Sunday, March 30, 2014


We don't have church till 1 on Sundays so some mornings we find interesting ways to entertain ourselves and pass time. Treyven found one of our old blind wands and was using it as a sword. He was told he couldn't hit anyone with it so he just chased his brother around. He kept saying "stay back", it was so cute. Then tonight he was rough housing with mom and brother and he asked "did I hurt you"? He's a funny little guy!

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Treyven has been talking so much more each day and he is talking in complete sentences. The other day he was signing "let it go, let it go". He says: stop bothering me, are you ok, I love you and lots of other things that I need to write down when he says them. He loves to wear his shoes or boots too. He will put on his shoes and boots without socks And walk around. He tries to wear them to bed. He is such a big boy and most of the time so very good.

Friday, March 7, 2014


We think Treyven's favorite color is green. Lately we have started letting Treyven pick what he wears and when picking a shirt he always seems to pick a green one. This morning there was only one green shirt hanging in the closet and it was Treyvens new St. Patrick day shirt. He picked that one and then Dad said "no not that one" so Treyven went and got one of his dirty green shirts that he wanted to wear. So Treyven wore his St. Patricks day shirt today :) It just interesting to see the kids individual personalities come out. We also think that Treyven will be right handed. He does the majority of things with his right hand. That makes mom sad she wanted one left handed kid and so far that doesn't seem to be the case. Treyven used to say "you're welcome" so very clear no he says "you're wel mm mmmm" its funny. We have no idea why all of the sudden he changed the way he says it. He's such a smart little boy!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Potty training

We are working hard to potty train Treyven. We need him to be potty trained before David starts his job at the post office. He went potty twice in the toilet today. He is such a big boy. He is using more sentences. I am looking into pre schools for Treyven to start later this year. I need to check into sports as well. I can't wait for him to be potty trained so I no longer have to buy diapers for two boys.