Sunday, February 10, 2013

18 Months

 Treyven's hair is getting long again but mom does not want anyone to cut it.
She is worried because of how it turned out last time.
We celebrated Dad's birthday by going to Red Robin for lunch. Treyven and dad had a good time coloring his menu. Treyven got a toasted bun for lunch (he's a picky eater).

On the 30th Treyven reached his 18 month mark.
On Sunday the 27th Treyven went to nursery for the first time. He really enjoyed going and had no problem leaving dad. Mom knew he would be fine with it :)
Here are his 18 months stats:
Weight: 24 lbs 5.5 oz 29%
Height: 33.5 inches 73%
Head: 19.25 inches 63%

Treyven is so stinkin smart. He knows so many words and understands so many things. He still sleeps in the crib and will for a few more months. He is wearing size 4 diapers, despite all of moms wishes to have him potty trained at 18 months. He is a "Holy" terror in Sacrament meeting. He loves to be outside, he loves to vacuum, mop, sweep and help with laundry. He just likes to help clean and mom loves that. He loves his little brother so much! He is always willing to help burp brother, feed brother and hold him. Treyven loves bath time and nap time. He still sucks his thumb, hard enough to cause blisters and take skin off and he loves having a blankie with him. He doesn't like shopping and he is very picky about what he eats.
 Eating the cheese out of a mozzarella stick.

 He cries when the vacuum gets put away.
 He found brothers binkie. Treyven never was a binkie baby. Sometimes he will find brothers and put it in his mouth just to be funny

Helping with the laundry :)

We sure love him and we are blessed to have him in our family.