Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 33

Last night you had two visitors. Our neighbor Darlene and her daughter Jen came over to see you and they brought you a gift. You got a pair of sleeper pajamas, a yellow hat, a bib, a pacifier, travel soap, lotion and bubble bath, and some baby spoons.
This morning you had an appointment with the Pediatric Dermatologist at Balboa. We have only been waiting since you were born for this appointment. The dermatologist examined your hemangioma and said that he has never seen one like yours. Part of yours is indented in the skin, part is dark red and looks like dried blood under the skin and the part that bleeds is lightish purplish red. The doctor says that it is also not a normal hemangioma it has more tendencies towards a vascular malformation. The doctor wants to present your case before a panel of dermatologists from both Balboa and USCD. He wants to get other doctors opinions on course of treatment. For now we are lathering your behind with Desitin and using the prescription cream when the hemangioma bleeds. The doctor believes that you will always have some discoloration and it will most likely always stay indented in the one spot. He was not sure how this will affect your skin as you grow. It is kind of a wait and see thing. So as you grow we will watch your bum :)
When we got home from your appointment we had three visitors. Moms friend Kathleen and her twin girls Emma and Sarah came to visit. Kathleen held you for quite a while. She just loved you and thought you were the cutest thing. They brought you some gifts. Bath toys, stackable toys, and two shirts that will fit you when you are older. Right before they left you opened your eyes for the girls. And of course you started squawking.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 32 Happy One Month

Mom can't believe that a month has already passed since you were born. Time goes by so quickly.
Here you are after your bath with your hair all wild.
Look how peaceful you are. Mom loves to watch you sleep.

Mom still says that you are the world's cutest newborn. You weigh 10 pounds 5 ounces. Your eyes are dark blue. The whole family just loves you so much!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 31

Today was a two picture day!
I just love taking pictures of the little guy. The blue afghan underneath the little guy is from Great Grandma Beasley. I have this obsession with baby shoes. I got these cute little flip flops at Old Navy. The little guy only wore them in the picture, he kept kicking them off. So cute! Maybe when his feet are a little bigger they will stay on better.
Mom had an eye appointment today, and of course the little guy and Christy came along. Mom couldn't resist trying a pair of frames on the little guy and taking a picture. Hopefully the little guy won't need glasses anytime soon.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 29

Today was a two picture day!
This is you helping with your laundry. We are teaching you young how to do your own laundry. What a great helper you were. At least you didn't puke while helping, seeing as how these were clean clothes.
While mom was upstairs in her room dad was downstairs sitting on the couch feeding you. While feeding you he fell asleep. This is what happens when mom and dad spend half the night up with the little guy. Dad is such a great help at night. He gets up every time you cry. After mom feeds you dad burps you and changes your diaper.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 28

We had a busy day today. This morning mom had a dentist appointment. You and Christy came along. You slept the whole time :) After the dentist we went to base and had lunch with dad. He was excited to have us there. In the evening we went to Cold Stone and had some very yummy ice cream. Mom had sweet cream ice cream with cherry pie filling and peanuts mixed in and she shared with you. Don't worry she gave you a bite that was only the ice cream. You were not to thrilled.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 27

This morning we got up early and went to wait in line at the Food Exchange. This month wasn't really worth the wait. There was not a whole lot of food. Oh well, anything helps. That was the only exciting thing we did today. Above is a picture of you sitting up in your travel thing (not sure what it's called). You like to be up where you can see out.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 26

Today we ran errands getting all the supplies that were needed for Achievement Days. This evening you went to Achievement Days with mom and Christy. Dad has class on Wednesdays so you get to go hang out with the girls. For the activity tonight the girls made sugar scrub and decorated invitations for the Mother Daughter activity in September. You slept thru most of the activity. Which is good, I didn't want to get you out of your car seat and have 20 or so 8-12 year old girls each wanting a turn to hold you.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 25

We played dress up today. After Treyven had his dinner he spit most of it up onto his shirt. His shirt was pretty much soaked so I took it off and Treyven was just hanging out topless. David and I were folding our laundry and David put one of his work shirts on Treyven. Then I got the idea to take a picture of him. We added the dog tags and David's cover. The pants are really Treyven's even though they are a little big on him. Doesn't he just make the cutest soldier.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 24

We had an eventful day. This morning we went over to the Hubbs' home and Allicia took baby pictures of you. It took a while cause you were kinda fussy. I hope she got some good ones. After your photo shoot you had an appointment with your pediatrician. It was just for a weight check. You weigh 9 lbs 11 oz. I knew you were close to ten pounds. You are getting to be such a big boy. You are no longer wearing size one diapers. We didn't have to buy any size ones, we actually ended up returning one package but it was a package of Wal-mart brand so no bad feelings there. They are horrible diapers! You have had the hiccups a couple of times today, you seem to get them quite often. This evening I was holding you while I was getting ready to get on the Internet. Your gaze was captured by the screen saver on the computer. It is a picture of our Savior with the San Diego Temple in the background. You just stared for the longest time. It made me wonder what you were thinking and how much of the other side of the veil you still remember, if any. It was just another reminder of how recently you were there in Heaven with our Savior and ancestors that have passed on. I love you little guy!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 23

Today Treyven and I spent the majority of church in the mother's lounge. For some reason he wanted to eat every hour. After church we went to the airport and picked up Christy. I don't think the little guy is the only one that grew in the week that she was gone. She was excited to get home and be able to feed Treyven. She is a great big sister.
Christy feeding the little guy!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 22

The little guy sleeping.
Today we ran all of moms errands that she didn't get done on Friday. In the evening we went and watched "Harry Potter" at the base theatre. You were such a good little guy while we were out and about.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 21

No picture today. I guess I could have taken a picture of the pile of laundry the little guy went thru today or a picture of his sad little face right before he throws up. We did not have a very good day. It seemed like everything the little guy ate he threw up. After soaking both him and me in throw up I left him in just a diaper and socks the rest of the day, but he went thru many blankets and all the burp cloths. He didn't sleep very much so he was awake and fussy. And on top of all the throw up his hemangioma was bleeding with every diaper change. Poor little guy :( We did not leave the house at all today and I had many errands to run. Guess they will keep. Mom was not a happy camper when dad walked in the door at twenty after eight. Glad today is over, hoping that tomorrow will be better.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 20

He was really mad.

We went on two walks today. One in the morning just mom and Treyven and one in the evening with dad. In the afternoon we went to the Farmers market. There were a lot of people there and some of the booths had smoke coming from their grills so I made sure that you were covered. We didn't buy anything. After the farmers market we went to visit the Hubbs. Megan Hubbs is 4 and as soon as I set your car seat down on the floor she kneeled right down beside and just stared at you. The Hubbs will be having a new baby early next year. You were sleeping but Megan wanted to hold you. As soon as I got you out of your car seat you woke up. Megan held you for a long time and you were so good. After a while you started fussing cause you were hungry so we came home shortly after that. Dad fed you a bottle again this evening.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 19

You did a lot of this today. We went on a couple walks and ran a few errands. You slept a lot.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 18

No picture today. Sorry :( Today was an off day for both mom and baby. I had a pretty bad headache last night and Treyven was awake more than usual so this morning we were both pretty tired. We spent most of the morning in bed. Then we lounged around the house the rest of the day. I felt like a bad mom today. I gave Treyven a binkie and a bottle. He wasn't to pleased with the binkie and wouldn't keep it in his mouth for long, as for the bottle don't worry I pumped so he was still getting breastmilk. David was happy about the bottle because he got to feed the little guy.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 17

The little guy was not very happy.

Today Treyven had his two week check up. He weighs 9 pounds 2 ounces. He has gained a pound since being born. The doctor look at his hemangioma and agreed that he needs to be seen by a dermatologist. Since this was never taken care of at Balboa we now have to wait for TriCare to authorize a civilian dermatology visit. At least with a civilian provider I know things will get taken care of. Balboa dropped the ball on a lot of things with Treyven. We had lunch with dad today. We went and picked him up from work after your doctors appointment. Tonight I bought batteries for the swing so now it rocks by itself and plays music. The swing really calms you down. You also calm down when dad or I sing to you.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 16

This morning we went to church. The rest of the day we just hung out at home and relaxed.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 15

This morning Treyven had his first bath. He loved it. We started the bath with him sitting in the little net thing but he kept slipping down so out came the net and he sat down inside the tub and dad held his head so it wouldn't slip to the side and under the water. Treyven is getting so big, he has an appointment Monday and I bet his weight will be up to nine pounds. He has already outgrown a few newborn size clothing items.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 14

Dad and Treyven
Today dad went back to work after having almost two weeks off. It was so nice to have dad home and to have his help with everything. Today Christy flew to spend a week with her Grandma Cosgrove and her family. It will be a week of just mom and baby at home!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 13

Today you get two pictures.
I decided to let you try out the swing today. There are no batteries in it yet so I pushed the swing with my hand but you really enjoyed your time. It's a really comfy swing. I will need to buy some batteries quickly so that you can enjoy swinging and music without momma sitting there pushing you.
Today was your first time at the library. Dad and I hope that you develop a love for reading.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 12

Daddy's Tough Guy
Last night we had a bad night. The little guy was up till almost 2am. He was fussy and very hungry. Today we didn't get out of bed till almost 10. We didn't accomplish a whole lot today.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 11

Mommy's Little Tough Guy

We didn't do much today. Just hung around the house, sleeping and eating.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 10

Today we went bowling. We got you out of your car seat to take this picture. The rest of the time you were sleeping. Grandma Beasley, dad, mom and Christy all bowled two games. Christy won the first game and mom won the second game. We had a great time. You look super cute in your Old Navy shorts and sandals from Kohls.
Last night we fed you vanilla ice cream. You were half asleep so it really didn't affect you one way or another.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 9

Today was your first time going to church. Mom gave you a sponge bath and then got you dressed. You wore a white polo onsie and the pants, vest and tie that Aunt Amber made for you. She made two sizes and we were worried the smaller size would not fit you but it did. You looked so very handsome! You were so good in church. You slept most of the time except for the two times I fed you and changed your diaper. Grandma Beasley came to church with us. Dad and the girls were still gone so they missed your first time at church.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 8

Today was an adventurous day for you. This morning grandma, mom and you went to the Sons of Thunder food drive. It was a special one today. They had singers and a band and lunch. We were there from 9:30am to about 1:30pm. I let you get some sun while we were there hoping it would help your bili level go down. Later in the day we went to Old Navy. I bought some shirts for dad and I and a pair of shorts for you. After Old Navy we went grocery shopping at Ralphs. We sure miss daddy!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 7

This morning you had an appointment at Balboa Pediatric clinic. Your weight is 8 pounds 3.7 ounces. That is more than your birth weight. Your biliruben forehead level was 14.8. With it being that high they had to take some blood from your heel to get the blood bili level. The nurse who took your blood had the little tube full and then she tipped it over and had to start again. You screamed the whole time and I was not very happy with the girl. The blood test took about an hour to get the result. The blood bili level is 12.9. At 13 or higher they admit you to the hospital for light therapy. After your appointment we came home and Grandma Beasley was here waiting to meet you. She is your first visitor. Dad and the girls left this morning for Utah.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 6

Today we spent most of the day at home. You are starting to set up a routine of when you eat and sleep. You spend more time with your eyes awake. Your sisters have held you a few times but the get bored quickly. Tonight as a family we went out to eat at HomeTown Buffet. Tomorrow dad and your sisters are heading to St. George and dad will drop Shadow off in Las Vegas so tonight was our last evening all together. You slept the whole time we were out eating. You are a very good baby. You only cry when we are changing your diaper or when you are hungry. Your umbilical ford fell off today.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 5

This morning you had an appointment at the Balboa Pediatric clinic. You saw Dr. Corrow. You weigh 8 pounds .6 ounces still down from your birth weight but up from your discharge weight and your biliruben level on the forehead test was 12.5 that is up from 9 when you were discharged from the hospital. Dr. Corrow also checked out your hemangioma and sent a referral for you to see the pediatric dermatologist. Dr. Corrow explained that hemangioma's can grow in size and get puffy from birth to six months. From six months to a year there is usually no change and after one year they start to diminish. By age five 50% are gone and by age 9 90% are gone. You sure looked handsome today!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 4

This is what you do the most of. Sleeping! This morning you went on a car ride. We took your sisters to the church for an achievement day activity and then mom, dad and you went to dads work. Dad had to fill out some paperwork so I pushed you around in the stroller. In the afternoon we picked your sisters up from their activity and we spent the rest of the day at home. The hat in the picture was made by my cousin Fawn. There is a matching blanket and another hat that has more green.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 3

This morning you had your circumcision. When they brought you back to the room you were sound asleep. You slept for a few hours after that. Today at 1:11pm we checked out of the hospital. When we got home you spent most of the rest of the day sleeping. Dad enrolled you in DEERS and TriCare today. So you are officially as far as the military is concerned part of our family and covered for benefits.