Friday, July 6, 2012

Day 343

No picture today. My camera is still over at grandma's house. Today mom and Treyven were playing in moms room. Mom had her 32oz cup on the nightstand and Treyven wanted it. Mom held the straw up to his mouth not worried that the cup had Pepsi in it because Treyven doesn't know how to use a straw. Boy was mom surprised when Treyven started sucking and actually got a drink. Mom let him take a few sips before putting the cup away. The rest of the Pepsi went to waste because even though Treyven can drink thru a straw he had a ton of backwash and moms not to keen on backwash. Treyven was an ornery bugger this afternoon and evening. Whenever he didn't get exactly what he wanted he threw himself on the floor and cried. He is to young to throw tantrums :(

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 342

No picture today. Mom left her camera at grandmas house. We didn't have a very exciting day. You went to the babysitters while mom and dad worked.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 340

No picture today. We were busy bees today. We drove all over town and back running all sorts of errands. Everyone was exhausted afterwards.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 339

No picture today. This morning you went to Alisha's for about an hour while dad took Shadow to an eye appointment. Mom had to work today.