Monday, December 23, 2013


This week you went to the dentist for the second time, and still no cavities :) Which is amazing because mom doesn't always remember to brush your teeth.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Treyven's Adventures

 Playing in the rain!
 Sleepy Time. Treyven is so ornery when he wakes up. You have to just give him time and let him come out on his own.
 Treyven found a crown and had to wear it for a few minutes!
 Well he tried!
 Treyven loves to play with rocks. I am always finding rocks in the house. One day we went over to Grandma and Papa's house they weren't home but their front yard is full of rocks. Treyven had picked a up a little pile and placed them on the porch. We thought it would be fun to leave Grandma and Papa a little message. It stayed like this for over a week.
 Treyven does not do well in Sacrament meeting. We spend lots of time in the foyer and outside.
 Treyven was a cowboy for Halloween this year.
 Halloween Fun
 We had pizza for dinner one night and Treyven picked off all the olives :)

 It snowed lots and lots last week. We had so much fun playing in the snow. We built a snowman. Treyven wanted to play outside again on Sunday but he wouldn't let mom put any pants on. Don't worry he was only outside for a very short time. Then mom brought him kicking and screaming into the house.

Treyven reading to mom and brother.

Treyven is a big boy. he loves to get into everything. He will pull chairs or stools over to whatever he needs up on and climb up for whatever he wants. David is usually right there at the bottom of the chair waiting hopefully for some bit of food to fall down to eat. Treyven likes to brush his teeth, mom thinks its mostly because he likes to eat the toothpaste. The other day he was with mom when Christy got her braces off. When she got out of the chair to rinse her mouth Treyven climbed right up into the seat leaned back and opened his mouth :0 Cutest thing ever. He likes to throw little tantrums. And he likes to dump drinks all over the floor. He loves to be outside and he LOVES making messes. He's a handful but he is so good to his brother. It melts moms heart to see them play together.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Just talking

This morning you came into moms room and tapped me on the shoulder and said "ok, wake up", you did that a few times and then you went and got the DVD of Shrek and handed it to me and again said "ok, wake up".